- He killed himself in despair. 他因绝望而自尽。
- Surrendering himself to despair, he killed himself. 他陷入绝望,于是自杀了。
- He killed himself on the railway. 他在铁路上自杀了。
- I must study why he killed himself. 我必须研究一下他为什么自杀。
- In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy. 在一阵痛恨的狂乱中,他杀死了敌人。
- Some say he killed himself with drink.Others say he developed rabies from an animal bite. 有些人说他死于酗酒,有些人则说他因被某一动物咬了之后而得了狂犬病。
- He gave up the struggle in despair. 他绝望地放弃了斗争。
- Then said the Jews, Will he kill himself? because he saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come. 犹太人说,他说我所去的地方,你们不能到,难道他要自尽吗。
- Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself. 时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是消耗自己的生命。
- In despair at his failure, he took his own life. 他因失败感到绝望而自杀。
- Yesterday, the news said that an officer killed himself in patrol car. 昨天的新闻报道一位警官在巡逻车里自杀了。
- He gave up the attempt in despair. 他绝望之下放弃了尝试。
- Time is life and when the idle man kills time ,he kills himself. 时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是消耗自己的生命。
- "Father, you know very well that the general was not a man to drown himself in despair, and people do not bathe in the Seine in the month of January. “父亲,您知道得很清楚,将军并不是一个会因绝望而跳水自杀的人,大正月里也不会有人在赛纳河里洗澡。
- In despair at his failure, he took his life. 他因失败感到绝望而自杀。
- He dragged on an unhappy existence for many years until in the end he killed himself. 他过了多年不愉快的生活,最后他终于自杀。
- A person is most disappointed when he is in despair. 一个人在绝望时最失望。
- He lives all by himself in that large house. 他独自一人住在那所大房子里。
- An Italian pensioner committed suicide after his wife fell into a coma, but just hours after he killed himself the woman woke up, Italian media reported on Saturday. 1月22日,一名意大利老翁在病重的妻子昏迷不醒后绝望地选择了自杀。然而老天就像捉弄罗密欧一样,捉弄了他:他的妻子在他死后就奇迹般地舒醒了过来。
- He was arrested for exposing himself in the park. 他因在公园里当众暴露生殖器而被捕。